We just love customer input and as a result of a recent piece it led to our funeral notices receiving an upgrade! You now have the option to display upcoming funeral notices until the date of the funeral as well as separately displaying notices for funerals that may have already taken place. The choice is completely yours!
It works by having two separate links for funeral notices that sit neatly in your website, in exactly the same way as the donation’s link does. This new feature is already in action with the customer who suggested it – James McMullan & Son of Ballymoney & Kilrea – who asking whether this development was possible – due to the speed at which funerals take place in Northern Ireland. Their home page now shows only upcoming funeral notices, with all funeral notices available on a separate page on the site. They also believe this will lead to more online donations as mourners can link directly to the deceased’s donation page. They asked and we delivered!
See how effective this is for yourself, follow the link below to their website: